Bedrock UI is a foundational UI library that is best used as a base for building out a design system. It supplies minimal components with sensible defaults and easy overrides with CSS variables. Bedrock UI is generally unopinionated, and intentionally simple. Bedrock UI provides, as the name suggests, a UI bedrock to build applications with whatever style you can dream of.

Consistent Spacing

Bedrock UI is built with consistent spacing in mind. The basis of this spacing is the global CSS variable "--spacing". By default this variable is set to 4, meaning that the height of all components, white space, line heights, font sizes, and more will be fixed to a multiple of 4px.

Size Matters

Bedrock UI is intentionally slim, only providing the most fundamental components to build an application. As a result, this library has an incredibly small footprint, and this will always be a top priority. This library does not make decisions about style systems to use like Emotion, Styled Components, or others. It sticks to the fundamentals of web programming: simple React components and CSS.